Dreidel Cake

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Hanukkah in 10 days! One of my coworkers requested a dreidel cake this year for Hanukkah and I was happy to give it a whirl. And you would not believe the stress these little things caused. I decided the cake would be best a pound cake, since pound cake is a heavy cake which would make it easier to shape. The baking the cake part was easy, I used oversized muffin type tins and all I had to do was shave off the sides to make a dreidel looking cake. The tricky part came when I was trying to decide how to cover the things. First I tried fondant and since the dreidels were so small, that proved to be disastrous for me. So then EC had the brilliant idea of dipping them in chocolate. So we tried that and it seemed to work pretty well, but the chocolate stuck to some places more than others, so EC patiently trimmed it down. He likened it to carving soap when he was a cub scout, which made me thankful for him being a cub scout. Then I piped the Hebrew letters on the sides and while I was trying to move one of them to the fridge to help it set up, it tipped over and landed square on one of the freshly piped white chocolate letters, leaving a mushy mess. So I had to re-pipe the white chocolate letter.
But eventually it got done, and it was worth it because she squealed with delight when I brought it to her. All in a (long) days work!